
HKI (Hellohikimori) is an independent creative company based in Paris.
Thinkers and makers since 2004.
In constant reflection and pondering to push our forward thinking minds to build digital experiences, creative concepts, interactive installations, films, apps and more. We believe in exploration and confrontation of technology & design to enhance our thinking.
We stretch the limits of the brand stories by going beyond conventions and by blasting away our comfort zone.
Uncompromising on quality and craftsmanship. We are proud of our productions, fashioned with extreme precision and intense emotion.
Hungry for more.
Note of intent
What happens when humanity finally collapse? A cycle ends. A new era begins. It’s an unknown future!
A new creation that flourishes from our remnants.Life takes back and reasserts its power stronger, magnificent in forms we can only imagine.
We work in collaboration with the electronic musician Frédéric Garcia. Better known for his Niveau Zero and Ghost Dance projects, He’s a true pioneer of French bass-music and co-founder of Raw Audio Distortion and Château Bruyant records. For this project, he will create an original music designed to fit perfectly with the visual experience.